Through The Grapevine

Intertwining conversations

8 Monkeys

A note on one of my friends’ Facebook profile:

(This is reportedly based on an actual experiment conducted in the U.K.)

Put eight monkeys in a room. In the middle of the room is a ladder, leading to a bunch of bananas hanging from a hook on the ceiling. Each time a monkey tries to climb the ladder, all the monkeys are sprayed with ice water, which makes them miserable. Soon enough, whenever a monkey attempts to climb the ladder, all of the other monkeys, not wanting to be sprayed, set upon him and beat him up. Soon, none of the eight monkeys ever attempts to climb the ladder.

One of the original monkeys is then removed, and a new monkey is put in the room.

Seeing the bananas and the ladder, he wonders why none of the other monkeys are doing the obvious. But undaunted, he immediately begins to climb the ladder. All the other monkeys fall upon him and beat him silly. He has no idea why. However, he no longer attempts to climb the ladder. A second original monkey is removed and replaced. The newcomer again attempts to climb the ladder, but all the other monkeys hammer the crap out of him. This includes the previous new monkey, who, grateful that he’s not on the receiving end this time, participates in the beating because all the other monkeys are doing it. However, he has no idea why he’s attacking the new monkey.

One by one, all the original monkeys are replaced. Eight new monkeys are now in the room. None of them have ever been sprayed by ice water. None of them attempt to climb the ladder. All of them will enthusiastically beat up any new monkey who tries, without having any idea why.

And that is how most companies’ policies get established…

Thank you Jeremy Clarkson for setting our record straight!

‘I dare you to visit Johannesburg, the city for softies. It’s the least frightening place on earth, yet everyone speaks of how many times they’ve been killed that day.’

-Jeremy Clarkson

Every city needs a snappy one-word handle to pull in the tourists and the investors. So, when you think of Paris, you think of love; when you think of New York, you think of shopping; and when you think of London – despite the best efforts of new Labour to steer you in the direction of Darcus Howe – you think of beefeaters and Mrs Queen. Rome has its architecture. Sydney has its bridge. Venice has its sewage and Johannesburg has its crime. Yup, Jo’burg – the subject of this morning’s missive – is where you go if you want to be carjacked, shot, stabbed, killed and eaten. You could tell your mother you were going on a package holiday to Kabul, with a stopover in Haiti and Detroit, and she wouldn’t bat an eyelid. But tell her you’re going to Jo’burg and she’ll be absolutely convinced that you’ll come home with no wallet, no watch and no head. Jo’burg has a fearsome global reputation for being utterly terrifying, a lawless Wild West frontier town paralysed by corruption and disease. But I’ve spent quite a bit of time there over the past three years and I can reveal that it’s all nonsense. If crime is so bad then how come, the other day, the front-page lead in the city’s main newspaper concerned the theft of a computer from one of the local schools? I’m not joking. The paper even ran a massive picture of the desk where the computer used to sit. It was the least interesting picture I’ve ever seen in a newspaper. But then it would be, because this was one of the least interesting crimes. “Pah,” said the armed guard who’d been charged with escorting me each day from my hotel to the Coca-Cola dome where I was performing a stage version of Top Gear. Quite why he was armed I have absolutely no idea, because all we passed was garden centres and shops selling tropical fish tanks. Now I’m sorry, but if it’s true that the streets are a war zone, and you run the risk of being shot every time you set foot outside your front door, then, yes, I can see you might risk a trip to the shops for some food. But a fish tank? An ornamental pot for your garden? It doesn’t ring true. Look Jo’burg up on Wikipedia and it tells you it’s now one of the most violent cities in the world . . . but it adds in brackets “citation needed”. That’s like saying Gordon Brown is a two-eyed British genius (citation needed). Honestly? Johannesburg is Milton Keynes with thunderstorms. You go out. You have a lovely ostrich. You drink some delicious wine and you walk back to your hotel, all warm and comfy. It’s the least frightening place on earth. So why does every single person there wrap themselves up in razor wire and fit their cars with flame-throwers and speak of how many times they’ve been killed that day? What are they trying to prove? Next year South Africa will play host to the football World Cup. The opening and closing matches will be played in Jo’burg, and no one’s going to go if they think they will be stabbed. The locals even seem to accept this, as at the new airport terminal only six passport booths have been set aside for non-South African residents. At first it’s baffling. Why ruin the reputation of your city and risk the success of the footballing World Cup to fuel a story that plainly isn’t true? There is no litter and no graffiti. I’ve sauntered through Soweto on a number of occasions now, swinging a Nikon round my head, with no effect. You stand more chance of being mugged in Monte Carlo. Time and again I was told I could buy an AK47 for 100 rand – about £7. But when I said, “Okay, let’s go and get one”, no one had the first idea where to start looking. And they were even more clueless when I asked about bullets. As I bought yet another agreeable carved doll from yet another agreeable black person, I wanted to ring up those idiots who compile surveys of the best and worst places to live and say: “Why do you keep banging on about Vancouver, you idiots? Jo’burg’s way better.” Instead, however, I sat down and tried to work out why the locals paint their city as the eighth circle of hell. And I think I have an answer. It’s because they want to save the lions in the Kruger National Park. I promise I am not making this up. Every night, people in Mozambique pack up their possessions and set off on foot through the Kruger for a new life in the quiet, bougainvillea-lined streets of Jo’burg. And very often these poor unfortunate souls are eaten by the big cats. That, you may imagine, is bad news for the families of those who’ve been devoured. But actually it’s even worse for Johnny Lion. You see, a great many people in Mozambique have Aids, and the fact is this: if you can catch HIV from someone’s blood or saliva during a bout of tender love-making, you can be assured you will catch it if you wolf the person down whole. Even if you are called Clarence and you have a mane. At present, it’s estimated that there are 2,000 lions in the Kruger National Park and studies suggest 90% have feline Aids. Some vets suggest the epidemic was started by lions eating the lungs of diseased buffalos. But there are growing claims from experts in the field that, actually, refugees are the biggest problem. That’s clearly the answer, then. Johannesburgians are telling the world they live in a shit-hole to save their lions. That’s the sort of people they are. And so, if you are thinking about going to the World Cup next year, don’t hesitate. The exchange rate’s good, the food is superb, the weather’s lovely and, thanks to some serious economic self-sacrifice, Kruger is still full of animals. The word, then, I’d choose to describe Jo’burg is “tranquil”.

And in complete contrast to the campaign below…

The Dove Self-Esteem Fund

Dove is infamous for using real women in their advertising campaigns, but they’ve now taken a major step forward in cementing their commitment to advertising ethically with The Dove Self-Esteem Fund a Campaign for Real Beauty.

Below are a few videos from The Dove Self-Esteem fund series:

Bristol Book Barn gives away thousands of books

The owner of the premises rented by The Book Barn, the UK’s largest used book warehouse (Central Trading Estate, Bath Road, BS4 3EH), are inviting the public to help themselves to thousands of books stored at their premises. The business, like many others, has been forced to close its doors for business. Instead of handing stock over to a liquidation company, the landlord has decided, ingeniously,  to allow the public to stock up on their favourite titles free of charge.

The warehouses shelves are bare as books have been scattered across the floor as readers hunt for their choice of literature.

A notice on their website:

Books’ free-for-all in warehouse

Thousands of books were left in the warehouse
People have been invited to help themselves to the books

People in Bristol have been invited to help themselves to free books at a warehouse which were left behind when the owners left the site.

Bookbarn’s lease on the premises in Arnos Vale recently expired and when the firm moved out it left behind thousands of books.

Managers of the Paintworks site have invited people to help themselves

Banned Ikea Ads

Consumer vs. Advertiser

A brilliant portrayal of the advertiser/consumer relationship.


Isn’t it amazing?  Even when you have no money you’re required to pay money to tell everyone you don’t have money.  Here is an extract from, the UK’s public information website, about declaring yourself bankrupt:

‘When completed the form should be taken to the county court nearest to you that has bankruptcy jurisdiction. A fee of £150 is payable, although this can be waived if you meet specific criteria, when you file the petition.

A deposit of £345, for the Official Receiver’s work, is also payable at this time. This amount cannot be waived.’

Is it only me or has the World gone mad?? Aside from the above fees, don’t forget you’d probably still need to pay someone to present your case and handle your assets.



Mary vs. Mary : Some funny shit!!!

Some of you might have seen this video going around on Facebook and thought it was legit. Sorry to be the one to tell you but it’s the brilliant work of a collaboration of comedian’s on You Tube. However sad you may be that it’s not real I’m sure you’ll appreciate the skill required to carry this off.

Check out the real video of Mary Roach (or Gilbeaux???) below. Hard to believe but she’s even WEIRDER!!!

What I have to be grateful for today…

The lightness of happiness1. Some people spend their lifetimes searching for what I have in my life at 25.
2. Not all of my dreams have come true, but neither have all of my nightmares.
3. I have two active, naughty sons that drive me up the wall. But they have all 10 fingers and all 10 toes!!
4. Although times may be hard, I have the determination to make them better. I have the support of my husband and my family. I have a roof over my head and a clean place to make a wee.
4. I have no regrets for the mistakes I have made in the past. Every step I have taken has lead me to this moment right now. And in this moment right now, I’m content and I am happy.

Yipy yippy yay yay!!!